In association with Forum for Responsible Investment (FNG) & InvestitionsBank Berlin the 4th ESG Responsible Investments & Sustainable Finance Forum Series were conducted in Berlin on 1.10.2019 at the Conference Centre of InvestitionsBank Berlin with the presence of 17 senior speakers and 20 forum partners from overall 6 states
Introductory Remarks by Co-Organizers: Global Sustain, FNG, IBB
1st Impulse Speech: Yannis Salavopoulos, Managing Director, Global Sustain GmbH & Michael Spanos, Managing Director, Global Sustain Group
2nd Impulse Speech: Alexandra Mihailescu Cichon, Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing, RepRisk
1st Panel Discussion: Responsible Investing & Capital Markets in a new era. From niche to mainstream? The ESG investment market trends, the ESG strategies & the ESG dialogue process. The impact of the upcoming EU regulatory framework (taxonomy) on the investments and financial industry and the the long path to common ESG standards (with Q&A).
- Saleem Shivji, Senior ESG Advisor, RepRisk
- Matthew Patsky,CEO, Trillium Asset Management
- Thanos Vlachopoulos, General Manager, Corporate & Investment Banking, Piraeus Bank SA
- Jobst Neuss, Director, Risk Management, European Investment Fund
Coffee Break & Networking
2nd Panel: Sustainable Finance and Banking. How financial institutions and banks should adapt to the new financial environment after the rise of ESG, the upcoming EU taxonomy and the will of many central banks to take measures in order to mitigate non financial risks of financial institutions? How the sustainable finance & banking Initiatives (NGFS, UNEPFI, TCFD etc.) can contribute to a more stable and sustainable financial system? (with Q&A).
- Maya Hennerkes,ESG Head, Financial Intermediaries, EBRD
- Sebastian Fairhurst, Head, Public Policy (incl. Sustainability), Santander Consumer Bank AG
- Christian Pech,Director, Banks-Credits-Funds, Investment Bank Berlin
- Benoit Pauly,Senior Sustainable Finance Officer, Luxembourg Stock Exchange
3rd Panel: Sustainable Brands. Linking Responsible Investing with Corporates. Why Corporates should integrate ESG into Sustainability Reporting and look after except ROI their SROI and with which methods and tools. How does ESG impact corporate performance? (with Q&A).
- Pietro Mezanno,Senior Manager, Strategy & Policy, Oil & Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI)
- Gesa Voegele, Management Member, Association for the promotion of Ethics & Sustainability in Investment (CRIC)
- Luis Neves,CEO, Global e-Sustainability Initiative
- Ben Carpenter,CEO, Social Value International